Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Traditions

Christmas is a time for traditions with every household having a slightly different variation of how they celebrate the season. Kids thrive on tradition. I think it is like an unwritten piece of every family’s code of arms. Civilization and societies have changed a lot since the beginning of time but despite the distractions of our current world we all need to eat, drink, have shelter and be a part of something whether that means a nuclear family or any other possible combination of people who care for one another. Traditions give us a sense of that need to belong to something, and they warm our hearts when we take part in them. Familiarity in traditions is like HOME.

We have many traditions in our family and many of them happen around this time of year. I want to share one that our children covet - Santa Pancakes. Sounds goofy but the kids love them. This little novelty is anticipated for months prior to Christmas.

They are very simple to assemble. 1st make your favourite pancakes, build a hat out of strawberries, use 2 slices of banana and chocolate chips for the eyes then finish off with whip cream for a mustache, beard and hat trims. Finish off with a slice of strawberry for the mouth.

Hope you enjoy making these. Be careful though your kids might request them next year and before you know it, it might become one of your traditions too:)